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YL2000H asphalt mixing plant exported to Bangladesh


In August last year, 10 transport vehicles loaded with spare parts for YL2000H asphalt mixing plant left the Yalong Machinery Factory and headed for Qingdao Port in China.

Boxes full of small components are neatly arranged, and the names and quantities of the components are clearly marked. More importantly, they cooperate with each other to hoist large components according to their respective divisions of labor, which is highly valued.
When loading the components into the headquarters container, they took into account the corners and key details, and repeatedly confirmed them to ensure their safety during transportation, taking into account the possible collisions during transportation.


The team was so efficient that they filled 10 containers in just over a day. It is expected that the asphalt mixing plant will arrive at Chittagong port in Bangladesh in 20 days.

Yalong Machinery has sent several sets of asphalt mixing equipment to Bangladesh, most of which are YL2000H series of blue and white asphalt batching plants, and the most models are YL1000H and CA80. This shows that our flagship YLH series is also very popular in Bangladesh.


Bangladesh's economy is on the fast track of rapid growth, with GDP growing by 7.1% in the last fiscal year. However, the weak road transportation system obviously cannot meet the needs of rapid economic development and becomes the main obstacle. The Bangladesh government has made improving road infrastructure a priority strategy and has made great progress. Bangladesh's infrastructure investment will reach $410 billion by 2020, according to the seventh Five-Year Plan, which is being implemented. Among them, there are 171 road traffic projects with a total financial expenditure of 4.3 billion US dollars.

When the Bangladeshi government calls on private enterprises and individuals to actively invest in infrastructure construction, YALONG Machinery has more frequent and in-depth contacts with companies and individuals related to road construction in Bangladesh. Through a series of efforts, YALONG Machinery will export more high-quality asphalt plants to Bangladesh, actively participate in Bangladesh's infrastructure construction, and help Bangladesh's economic development.

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